Join Team Burley

Willing to support Fred in his campaign? 

Here’s how! 

  1. Put up a sign in your yard: Send an email to or call at 403-948-2778 with your name, address, and contact information and we will get right back to you! 
  2. Be a part of Team Burley: Want to get the word out about your favourite mayoral candidate? We have lots of different ways to get involved whether it be door-to-door campaigning, social media, helping putting up signs! Have any other ideas? Let us know -Send an email to or call at 403-948-2778
  3. Chats with Fred: Contact us any time for information on events, meetings with friends, or individually to get more information. 
  4. Social Media: Participate on social media through the use of the hashtags #teamburley #Fred4SchoolTrustee #teamfred and tell people why you support him today!