
Fred Burley has always been and continues to be fully committed to his family and his community.  I have known Fred on a personal level (community volunteers and business) for quite some time during which I have always found him to be honest and fair.  It’s clear to me he carried those qualities into his previous position of Alderman for the City of Airdrie and will certainly carry those same qualities into the role of Rockyview School Trustee. 

At times I do disagree with some of his decisions, but I accept those decisions because I know they were always done with the best interests of the community as a whole in mind – not special interests or groups.  Fred worked hard and diligently as an Alderman which was significant in the continuing success of Airdrie’s growth and he will carry that work ethic into the role of Rockyview School Trustee.  

Fred typifies the kind of person that all of us should want and expect to hold public office and I know he will continue to make the best decisions for our community as a whole as Rockyview School Trustee. Fred and Sharon Burley have raised their family in Airdrie and their son and daughter are products of our school system and both have been very successful in their current careers.

It is imperative municipal level politics not be held hostage to specific political ideological positions or beholden to any specific political philosophy or political party as our elected trustees must be capable and able to do what is best for all our citizens regardless of their personal ideology or beliefs.

Our trustees must be able to fully confront and hold back special interests that have no desire to serve all of our community and be able to address issues honestly and without prejudice. 

Honesty, intelligence, fortitude, commitment, empathy and a tremendous work ethic. What each elected member should always have and Fred does.

– Rey Rawlins, Former Alderman, City of Airdrie

“I’ve been pretty quiet on the municipal election since I think everyone has election burnout, but I wanted to highlight someone. Most of the focus as been on our mayor and council, but I think the school trustee election is equally as important.

Airdrie has three trustees that represent us on the Rocky View Schools board. With the COVID pandemic, cuts to funding for public education, and the proposed curriculum we really need to ensure there are strong progressive voices on the board. That’s why I was excited when Fred Burley told me he would be running.
For those who don’t know Fred, he’s been actively engaged in our community for decades. He’s best known for sitting on City Council for 15 years. He stewarded Airdrie through some pretty significant growth, and I’ve been proud of his voting record.
Fred did a lot outside of Council, including sitting on various nonprofit boards, as well as on the AE Bowers School Council. Asher knows him as the guy who built his school playground, and Elodie knows him as the guy who would bring scrap wood to her shop class in middle school. I think a lot of people have similar stories.
Please consider voting for Fred in this month’s election.”

– Robbie White, Long Time Airdrie Resident

As a parent of two children currently in our public schools in Airdrie, and a controversial time in our schools, having an intelligent, inclusive, informed, and experienced voice represent my family on the Rocky View Schools Board is essential. Given this need, I was delighted when Fred Burley chose to run for a school trustee role. I have had the greatest pleasure to get to know and volunteer alongside Fred for many years. In that time, I have witnessed his inclusive and thoughtful approach to every discussion, decision, and initiative that he was part of. I admire Fred’s willingness to have a thoughtful conversation with anyone and his ability to see connections and opportunities throughout the city where others can’t. Lastly, I have been continually impressed with Fred’s’ depth and breadth of experience in our community as a parent, politician and passionate volunteer. I feel that his compassion, dedication, and expertise are exactly what we need right now as we maneuver our kids into the next four years of schooling. I encourage you to vote for Fred Burley. I promise you will not be disappointed!”

– Kiersten Mohr, Parent and Airdrie Resident

“I’ve known Fred and Sharon Burley for about twenty years. My late husband served several terms on Airdrie City Council with Fred and I’m sure it was through this community involvement that our paths first crossed. Fred and my husband were from different ends of the political spectrum, but always held each other in mutual respect. Integrity and honesty are two words which immediately come to mind when thinking of this candidate for public school trustee. While Fred is readily available to listen and discuss issues with those he serves, he is not afraid to articulate his own position and defend it. He had a genuine interest in serving the citizens of Airdrie as a city councillor and I am confident that he would do an excellent job serving the students of Rocky View Schools were he to be elected on October 18th.”

– Catherine Buchanan, Retired Teacher and Long Time Airdrie Resident

“I have known Fred for over a decade. I have dealt with Fred through his business as well as when he sat on council and have always found him to be upfront and honest. We have not always agreed on every subject, when we have disagreed, Fred has always been willing to listen to my opinion. He never hid from discussion, and was always willing to provide the information he used to make his decision. I can remember numerous times Fred inviting me to his business to sit down and have a coffee and have a discussion. During the controversial Downtown debate, Fred was one of the only council members that attended open forums and answered the tough questions. Even when we disagreed Fred kept it professional and kept it respectful. I plan on placing an X beside Fred Burley for School Trustee because I truly believe that he will take the time to research and make an informed decision on each and every issue that comes before the board.”

– Kevin Hughes, Long Time Airdrie Resident